Factors affecting the teaching-learning process in the acquisition of speaking skill, in the students of 7th grade “F”, at Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Institute in Managua city, in the morning shift, during the Second semester of 2016.

This research paper, which is a quantitative research, suggest to people identify one of the greater fears which is public speaking; considering classroom environment ,didactic materials, strategies used in teaching -learning and then propose useful strategies for the overcoming of those factors.

Autores Principales: Talavera, Angelica Maria, Morales Gaitan, Alejandra Auxiliadora, Zelaya Martínez, Jordania
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2016
Acceso en línea: http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/4221/
Sumario: This research paper, which is a quantitative research, suggest to people identify one of the greater fears which is public speaking; considering classroom environment ,didactic materials, strategies used in teaching -learning and then propose useful strategies for the overcoming of those factors.