Land Drainage in Guatemala.

The current population of Guatemala is estimated at 11 million, 6.5 million of whom live in rural areas. The annual population growth is estimated at 2.6%. To meet the power of this population, it is necessary to increase the area to be cultivated and productivity of already cultivated areas. The po...

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Autor Principal: Vanegas Chacón, Eddi Alejandro
Formato: Artículo
Idioma: Español
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Sumario: The current population of Guatemala is estimated at 11 million, 6.5 million of whom live in rural areas. The annual population growth is estimated at 2.6%. To meet the power of this population, it is necessary to increase the area to be cultivated and productivity of already cultivated areas. The possibilities of increasing agricultural land and increased productivity in existing agricultural areas are limited by climate, topography, infrastructure and lack of money and planning. Potentially highly productive lands are in the lowlands along the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific areas. These areas, however, suffer from permanent or temporary high groundwater due to high rainfall and deforestation in the upper parts of the basins.