Evaluación de Densidades de Plantación y Arreglos Espaciales de Especies Forestales para Bosque de Ribera en Nueva Concepción, Escuintla.

SUMMARY The present investigation was carried out in Zulia farm of Ingenio Pantaleón, Nueva Concepción, Escuintla and had as objective to evaluate the establishment of three densities of plantation and two spatial arrangements of four forest species in association in riparian forest. The species...

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Autor Principal: Riquiac Lopreto, Ezequiel
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2018
Acceso en línea: http://www.repositorio.usac.edu.gt/10949/
Sumario: SUMMARY The present investigation was carried out in Zulia farm of Ingenio Pantaleón, Nueva Concepción, Escuintla and had as objective to evaluate the establishment of three densities of plantation and two spatial arrangements of four forest species in association in riparian forest. The species used were Cordia alliodora, Caesalpinea velutina, Albizia saman and Inga sp., And planting densities of 722, 1283 and 1666 trees per hectare with a bi-factorial experimental design with random blocks arranged in divided strips, where they were measured variables; survival and growth of forest species, the identification of the plant community with the Cottman method, entomofauna with the Moericke method and the determination of the costs of the treatments. In the height variable, the species C. alliodora presented statistically significant differences and in the planting densities that registered the highest height was 1666 trees per hectare and 1283 trees per hectare. Regarding the variable diameter, the species C. alliodora presented statistically significant differences and the arrangement of species in which the largest diameter was recorded was that of four species. According to the Cottam index, the dominant species were Cynodon dactilon, Digitaria decumbens and Mollugo verticilata and with the Moericke methodology, seven orders of insects were identified. It was determined that the lowest cost treatment was in which four species were evaluated at a density of 722 trees per hectare. It is recommended to follow up the research with annual evaluations and thus determine the behavior of the species.