Methodological Strategies to Create an Engaging Classroom Environment, First Year Sociology Students, Second Semester 2018

In this era, learning a second language such as English, is an essential part of every human life for a number of easy-to-agree with reasons. In the first place, learning English highly decreases poverty. In today’s world, people have jobs depending on education level. The more prepared they are; th...

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Autor Principal: Velásquez Amador, Daniela Raquel
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2018
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Sumario: In this era, learning a second language such as English, is an essential part of every human life for a number of easy-to-agree with reasons. In the first place, learning English highly decreases poverty. In today’s world, people have jobs depending on education level. The more prepared they are; the best payment they receive. Therefore, having a strong knowledge on English, qualifies people as better prepared individuals to multitask and work in different fields. In addition to it, English learners can be creators of their own business by becoming teachers and having private English language classes.