Utility, stability ... cost and meaning: Utilidad, estabilidad… costo y significado

Theoretical research essay for educational and professional purposes. It deals with the qualities of architectural objects, extensible to all artificial objects with functional roles. It clarifies theoretical substantive concepts for teaching, and is at the same time an instrumental epistemology for...

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Autor Principal: Ordóñez-Chacón, Mauricio
Formato: Artículo
Idioma: Español
Publicado: Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica (entidad editora) 2020
Acceso en línea: https://revistas.tec.ac.cr/index.php/tec_marcha/article/view/5515
Sumario: Theoretical research essay for educational and professional purposes. It deals with the qualities of architectural objects, extensible to all artificial objects with functional roles. It clarifies theoretical substantive concepts for teaching, and is at the same time an instrumental epistemology for the design process. The more clarity and development of these qualitative categories, the more accurate and comprehensive the design as a technological practice aimed at changing the environment. As it is a founding theory, many concepts come from classical, not ephemeral, bibliography. The empirical-analytical method allows comparing concepts with a deep analytical reflection after the human experimental relationship with artificial objects and their properties. The design literature has used some of these concepts, but usually without adequate detail and due updating. The traditional Vitruvian conceptual taxonomy of utilitas, firmitas and venustas is a good basis, but it is insufficient, especially since they do not incorporate other semiotic variables apart from aesthetics, and it leaves costs aside. The qualitative categories of utility, stability, meanings, economic cost and environmental cost are proposed and detailed in their entirety, plus sustainability as an integral supra-quality. Utility and meanings as functional qualities; stability and costs as typical of the object itself. The concept of function extends to practical utilitarian functions and to the semiotic function of artificial objects.