Hydroclimate projections for Panama in the late 21st Century

This work analyzes hydroclimate projections in Panama toward the end of the 21st century by employing the MRIAGCM3.1 model. Understanding the impact of climate change on water resources is fundamental for a number of economic activities in Panama (i.e. Panama Canal operation, hydropower generation,...

Descripción completa

Autores Principales: Fábrega, José, Nakaegawa, Tosiyuki, Pinzón, Reinhardt, Nakayama, Keisuke, Arakawa, Osamu
Formato: Artículo
Idioma: Inglés
Publicado: 2018
Acceso en línea: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/2/7_23/_article/-char/ja/

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