Valoración de Bienes y Servicios Ecosistémicos del Cerro Tzankumibal del Municipio de San Marcos La Laguna, Sololá.

San Marcos La Laguna is located in the department of Sololá, it has 12 square kilometers (km2 ) of territorial extension, the terrain relief is broken with steep slopes, considerable elevation hills, such as the Tzankumibal hill (Its meaning is death), according to the story sacrifices were m...

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Autor Principal: Ixquiacché Zacarías, Fridhay Olivia
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2019
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Sumario: San Marcos La Laguna is located in the department of Sololá, it has 12 square kilometers (km2 ) of territorial extension, the terrain relief is broken with steep slopes, considerable elevation hills, such as the Tzankumibal hill (Its meaning is death), according to the story sacrifices were made in the hill. It has an area of 1.77 hectares (ha), a height of 24 meters (m) in relation to Lake Atitlán, from which the San Pedro, Atitlán and Tolimán volcanoes can be seen. The research was carried out with the objective of valuing the goods and services of the Tzankumibal hill, which is located in an ecosystem of the Lower Subtropical Montane Humid Forest zone (De la Cruz, 1976, p.17-18). It is characterized by its plant species since they adapted to a dry environment, such as succulents, cacti and tillandsias, with peculiarities of long roots, leaves reduced to thorn, known as Crassulaceae Acid Metabolism (CAM), which reduce to a minimum photorespiration and save water by separating these steps in time, between day and night