Factores socioeconómicos en la formación de adolescentes de la Escuela Nacional Nocturna de Estudios Comerciales.

ABSTRACT The problem raised "Socioeconomic Factors in the Training of Adolescents of the National School of Commercial Studies Nocturnal", aims to demonstrate that students work and study at the same time. Also how is the relationship between adolescents and older people. This research...

Descripción completa

Autor Principal: Ayerdi Maldonado, Ligia Fabiola
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2018
Acceso en línea: http://www.repositorio.usac.edu.gt/10947/
Sumario: ABSTRACT The problem raised "Socioeconomic Factors in the Training of Adolescents of the National School of Commercial Studies Nocturnal", aims to demonstrate that students work and study at the same time. Also how is the relationship between adolescents and older people. This research was carried out with students, teachers, administrative staff and director of the National School of Commercial Studies and Basic Affiliated, Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez, applying a methodology based on the field research, where survey reports were made, which were applied to different members of the educational community: authorities, administrative staff, teachers and students. With the information collected, we proceeded to tabulate data and then, the interpretation of the same; finalizing the process with the drafting of conclusions and recommendations pertinent to the subject that was investigated. Through this research it was discovered that there are very particular conditions that surround the lifestyle of the students of the night, since most of them have in common several situations: they are of age, they live in poverty, belong to disintegrated homes and must work to sustain their studies. If we add that there are a good number of students who, even though they are of a suitable age to study in educational establishments for daytime classes, choose to study at night, for reasons already indicated, mainly because they must work to continue studying. Then comes the coexistence in classrooms of people of different ages, to the point of creating generational conflicts, which lead the example of adults for young people, and is not always an example worthy of imitation. The schools of the nocturnal days should apply the principles that sustained their creation and one of them indicates that they arose to attend to the population that having abandoned studies years ago, they want to join the educational system when they have reached the condition of adults.