Programa de promoción de estilos de vida saludable en estudiantes de la licenciatura en fisioterapia de la Universidad Especializada de las Américas, Sede Central

This thesis presents a research experience in two phases: the first phase, the analysis of the lifestyles of the university community Udelas, headquarters. In which were interviewed teachers, students and administrators of the four faculties that make up the university: Faculty of Medical Science...

Descripción completa

Autor Principal: Rueda Manzano, Gianna Mariel
Otros Autores: Ámbulo, Graciela
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: Universidad Especializada de las Américas 2020
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Sumario: This thesis presents a research experience in two phases: the first phase, the analysis of the lifestyles of the university community Udelas, headquarters. In which were interviewed teachers, students and administrators of the four faculties that make up the university: Faculty of Medical Sciences and Clinics; School of Biosciences and Public Health; Faculty of Special Education and Pedagogy; and the Faculty of Social Education and Human Development. Once the results are obtained; they were the basis for the second phase of the investigation; a pretest - posttest study with the participation of a control group and an experimental group to which the intervention program "UDELAS SALUDABLE" was applied, which aims to promote healthy lifestyles; consisted of six (6) workshops of three hours each, which were addressed to students of the fourth semester of the Degree in Physiotherapy, quantitative and qualitative results, as well as the theoretical background indicate that the program is effective.