“Caracterización de residuos y desechos sólidos a nivel domiciliar del municipio de Santa Clara la Laguna, Sololá”

ABSTRACT CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLID HOME WASTE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SANTA CLARA LA LAGUNA, SOLOLÁ The purpose of this investigation was characterize home waste generated in the municipality of Santa Clara La Laguna, Sololá. This municipality has a total area of 12 square kilometers, it is locat...

Descripción completa

Autor Principal: Imeri Ordóñez, Flory Alejandra
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2019
Acceso en línea: http://www.repositorio.usac.edu.gt/12909/
Sumario: ABSTRACT CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLID HOME WASTE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF SANTA CLARA LA LAGUNA, SOLOLÁ The purpose of this investigation was characterize home waste generated in the municipality of Santa Clara La Laguna, Sololá. This municipality has a total area of 12 square kilometers, it is located in the Sixth Region of Guatemala with an altitude ranging of 2090 meters above sea level, thus its weather is generally cold. According to the projections of the Statistics National Institute for 2018 the population census estimated 13,166 people. This investigation was executed from April to September of 2018, it was based on four specific objectives which were: Determine the per capita home waste production, calculate density and propose available solutions for the integral management solid waste in the study area. To reach the stablished objectives it was necessary to make some routes around the study area in order to generate a sketch of the 2,002 houses. Based on that, it was determined a sample of 236 houses or families. It was carried out a weighing of the solid home waste generated during two consecutive weeks. In total there was weighty 5,027 kilograms of solid home waste, obtained as a result, the per capita production of 0.48 kg/habitant/day. It was made a graph of the physical composition getting a 61% of organic material, and 39% inorganic, of the latter, the 38.15% is non-recyclable and 0.85% recyclable material. This investigation produced necessary information to propose a “Municipal plan for the integrated solid waste management generated in Santa Clara La Laguna, Sololá”, which has seven strategic lines that will help to manage properly the solid home waste in the municipality. These lines include: social participation, diagnosis and characterization of the solid waste, environmental management, location of the solid waste treatment plant, effective collection program, environmental education program and legal and administrative strengthening. RESUMEN La presente investigación se fundamenta en la caracterización de los residuos y desechos sólidos generados a nivel domiciliar en el municipio de Santa Clara La Laguna, Sololá, el cual tiene una extensión territorial de 12 kilómetros cuadrados, situado en la región VI, se encuentra a una altitud de 2,090 metros sobre el nivel del mar, por lo que generalmente su clima es frío. Según proyecciones del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) para el año 2018 la población ascendía a 13,166 habitantes. La investigación se realizó durante los meses de abril a septiembre de 2018, se basó en cuatro objetivos específicos, en su orden: Determinar la producción per cápita, calcular la densidad de residuos y desechos sólidos, determinar la composición física de estos, y proponer soluciones viables para el manejo adecuado de los mismos. Para alcanzar los objetivos planteados se incluyeron recorridos por el área de estudio, generando un croquis de las 2,002 viviendas. Con este, se realizó el cálculo y selección de la muestra, la cual ascendió a 236 viviendas, así mismo se procedió a realizar el pesaje de los residuos y desechos sólidos generados durante dos semanas consecutivas.