Evaluación de tres diferentes rangos de humedad relativa y su efecto en la calidad del insecto estéril Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, con dos sistemas de alimentación, realizado en el CEAF, Retalhuleu.

SUMMARY The present research work was carried out in the Packaging Center of Sterile Mediterranean Fly Insect Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, MOSCAMED Commission. The general objective of this evaluation was the evaluation of three ranges of relative humidity and its effect on quality (Flying abil...

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Autor Principal: de León García, Mario Alberto
Formato: Tesis
Idioma: Español
Publicado: 2018
Acceso en línea: http://www.repositorio.usac.edu.gt/10383/
Sumario: SUMMARY The present research work was carried out in the Packaging Center of Sterile Mediterranean Fly Insect Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, MOSCAMED Commission. The general objective of this evaluation was the evaluation of three ranges of relative humidity and its effect on quality (Flying ability and Flying absolute), of the Mediterranean fly C. capitata Wiedemann, in the system of packing in low towers, considering two feeding systems. The research was established, whit an experimental design completely randomized with arrangement in divided plots, establishing six treatments and five repetitions, these treatments correspond to the combination of the factors that were evaluated, being three Relative Humidity ranges (60 - 70, 71 - 80, 81 - 90) and two types of diet (liquid and agar). The results obtained in the two quality control tests that were Post-Cooling Flight Skills and Post-Air Absolute Flyers cooling, which showed that the relative humidity ranges in the Emergency rooms affect the quality of the sterile insect. The range of 71 - 80%, was the one that obtained the best results based on the Flight Skill test post-cooling, overcoming in 23.1% the minimum acceptable and the range of 60 - 70%, was the one that obtained the best result with the test of absolute post-cooling flyers, overcoming in 20.2% the minimum acceptable. Because there was a significant difference in the analysis of variance, proceeded to perform a Tukey mean comparison test at 5% of significance, doing this for post-cooling flight skill test and post-cooling flight fliers, with which the alternative hypothesis was accepted, what it said at least in a range of relative humidity evaluated has a different effect over the variable of response about quality of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann.